Thursday, October 3, 2024

Phrases to avoid 

Phrases that Damage Credibility 

Better Say

 I'll try (sounds like your half expecting to fail)

I'll complete by Friday & will keep you updated on my progress

The target is xyz, i will keep you posted

No offense , but ( this is a code for prepare to be offended)

Here is my perspective or

I understand where you are coming from , I see it differently (its ok to disagree)

This might be a stupid ques

I’d like to clarify something

That’s not my problem (not good look , when trying to build trust at work)

Let me help you find the right person (stay solution focused)

We’ve always done it this way (makes you appear resistant to change)

Let’s consider other options

We could improve this process

I guess (others will doubt what you say)

This is how I see it (show confidence)

Does that makes sense ( sounds like you’re unsure of yourself , or worse questioning other persons intelligence)

What ques do you have ?





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